Web Development Projects
Here's a link to all my web development projectsWeb Development.
Don't forget to share any of my projects you enjoy!
Lab #1 Questions
- An IP address is a numerical value that identifies the computer much like a mailing address.
- The part of a network address that identifies it to a given domain, and since the internet is based off of IP addresses every web page requires a DNS(Domain Name System) server to convert domain names to IP addresses
- HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language
- The homepage is defaulted to index.html page
- The image.html tag is used add images to a website
Here's an picture of a little puppster.:
Lab #2 Questions
- A server is a computer or computer program that manages access to a centralized resource or service in a network.
- The tags needed for an html table are table tags, ti tags, tr tags, and th tags.
- An iFrame tag allows us to embed code from another website into another.
- An a tag defines a hyperlink, in other word it links one page to another.
- A tr tag defines a row in an html table.
Creating a Website cost?
- At riotlabs.com you can ask someone to create your web page professionally
- The starting cost of creating this webpage is $1,995
- They promise they will launch your site within 2 weeks of your proposal
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